Includes: Bloodborne Pathogens, Fire Safety, Spill Response ON, Naloxone Administration, Active Attacker Awareness
Bloodborne pathogens are bacteria, viruses and microorganisms that are present in human blood. They can infect and cause disease in people who are exposed to blood containing the pathogen. These microorganisms can be transmitted through contact with contaminated blood and body fluids. This course covers common types of bloodborne pathogens that generally pose the greatest risk to workers, types of transmission and controls that can be put in place, different types of personal protective equipment that may be used, proper housekeeping, and emergency response.
Slide Count:45
Fire is a chemical reaction involving rapid oxidation or burning of a fuel. It needs three elements to occur; fuel, oxygen, and heat. This course will review how fires are classified, how to prevent fires from occurring, how to identify and inspect fire extinguishers, how to extinguish small fires, when not to fight a fire, what to do if someone catches on fire, and how to evacuate a burning building.
Slide Count:56
This course provides the reader with more extensive information regarding responding to minor spills; those spills where the worker is able to take the necessary measures to control, contain, and clean up spilled materials. Material covered includes applicable legislation, definitions and characteristics of minor spills, the spill response program, response of a minor spill, spill kits, prevention plans, and training.
Slide Count:80
This training meets the requirements of the Ontario Naloxone Training. It covers how to recognize an overdose, how to administer Naloxone (video), and hazards related to the administration of Naloxone. It also includes general information on opioids and addiction as well as an overview of the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act.
Slide Count:43
While active attacker and targeted violence incidents are quite rare, they are highly impactful. Being prepared to act can make all the difference.
For this reason, many organizations, like your own, are taking action to prepare their staff to be aware of active attacker incidents in the workplace and effectively respond should an attack occur.
Slide Count:35
Includes: Heat Stress Prevention, Cold Stress Awareness, Pedestrian Safety Awareness, Wildlife Safety, Insects & Poisonous Plants
Employees who are exposed to extreme heart or work in hot environments may be at risk of heat stress. Exposure to extreme heat can result in occupational illnesses and injuries. This course will help the employee understand the potential hazards of heat stress. Material covered includes types of heat stress, heat strain, first aid measures, health effects and risk factors for heat stress, what you can do in advance and types of controls to implement to prevent heat stress, what the law says an employer must do, and simple methods to measure and monitor the heat.
Slide Count:61
Whether working outside in the winter or working in cold work environments, cold stress is a hazard that needs to be properly addressed. In this course, employees will learn about the signs and symptoms of hypothermia, frostbite, and other cold-related conditions, as well as the best practices for dressing warmly, staying hydrated, and taking breaks in warm areas. This training also covers topics such as Safe Work Practices (SWP) in cold environments, the importance of monitoring weather conditions, and emergency response protocols.
Slide Count:42
As a pedestrian, it is crucial that you be aware of your surroundings, listen for sounds indicating danger, and be seen by vehicle operators. This module helps employees identify types of crossings and how to safely cross. As well, it addresses how to safely work around mobile equipment such as lift trucks, garbage trucks, construction equipment, snow removal equipment, etc.
Slide Count:33
Working outdoors can be peaceful and awe inspiring, especially when you observe wildlife in their natural habitat. However, what do you do when peacefully observing wildlife puts workers health and safety in danger? This course is intended to give employees practical information relating to the hazards associated with working amongst wildlife, and how to protect yourself in a wildlife encounter.
Slide Count:28
Working outdoors can be peaceful and inspiring, except when exposed to insects and poisonous plants. This course is intended to give employees practical information relating to the hazards associated with working with poisonous plants and insects. Material covered includes health effects associated with poisonous plants and insects.
Slide Count:46
Includes: Accident Investigation AB, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Committees AB, Running a Safety Committee Meeting AB, Workplace Inspections
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:115
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
A Safety Committee is made up of workers and employers working together to identify health and safety problems in the workplace. A Safety Committee plays a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe and is a requirement under Occupational Health and Safety Law. This introductory course introduces committee members to their duties and responsibilities, details regarding the roles and functions of the committee, requirements for meetings, as well as other important steps in establishing an effective committee.
Slide Count:46
Safety Committees play a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe. In a world of competing priorities, it can be difficult to effectively manage a committee and keep on task. This course offers tips and resources to effectively run a safety committee meeting and hold workers and managers accountable for recommended corrective actions. Material covered includes assigning secretaries and co-chairs, co-chair's duties, meeting frequency, attendance policy, entitlement, the agenda, conducting a meeting, preparing and submitting recommendations, and meeting minutes. This course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:51
Workplace inspections help prevent injuries and illnesses. Through critical examination of the workplace, inspections identify and record hazards for corrective action. This course will review the purpose of a workplace inspection, understanding the workplace elements, five forms of hazards, planning an inspection, conducting an inspection, writing a report, and following up on recommendations.
Slide Count:57
Includes: Accident Investigation BC, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Committees BC, Running a Safety Committee Meeting BC, Workplace Inspections
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:110
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
A Safety Committee is made up of workers and employers working together to identify health and safety problems in the workplace. A Safety Committee plays a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe and is a requirement under Occupational Health and Safety Law. This course will review the history of Safety Committees, requirements of a committee, committee setup, terms of reference, communication, and duties and authorities.
Slide Count:41
Safety Committees play a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe. In a world of competing priorities, it can be difficult to effectively manage a committee and keep on task. This course offers tips and resources to effectively run a safety committee meeting and hold workers and managers accountable for recommended corrective actions. Material covered includes assigning secretaries and co-chairs, co-chair's duties, meeting frequency, attendance policy, entitlement, the agenda, conducting a meeting, preparing and submitting recommendations, and meeting minutes. This course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:51
Workplace inspections help prevent injuries and illnesses. Through critical examination of the workplace, inspections identify and record hazards for corrective action. This course will review the purpose of a workplace inspection, understanding the workplace elements, five forms of hazards, planning an inspection, conducting an inspection, writing a report, and following up on recommendations.
Slide Count:57
Includes: Accident Investigation MB, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Committees MB, Running a Safety Committee Meeting MB, Workplace Inspections
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:116
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
A Safety Committee is made up of workers and employers working together to identify health and safety problems in the workplace. A Safety Committee plays a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe and is a requirement under Occupational Health and Safety Law. This course will review the history of Safety Committees, requirements of a committee, committee setup, terms of reference, communication, and duties and authorities.
Slide Count:44
Safety Committees play a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe. In a world of competing priorities, it can be difficult to effectively manage a committee and keep on task. This course offers tips and resources to effectively run a safety committee meeting and hold workers and managers accountable for recommended corrective actions. Material covered includes assigning secretaries and co-chairs, co-chair's duties, meeting frequency, attendance policy, entitlement, the agenda, conducting a meeting, preparing and submitting recommendations, and meeting minutes. This course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:51
Workplace inspections help prevent injuries and illnesses. Through critical examination of the workplace, inspections identify and record hazards for corrective action. This course will review the purpose of a workplace inspection, understanding the workplace elements, five forms of hazards, planning an inspection, conducting an inspection, writing a report, and following up on recommendations.
Slide Count:57
Includes: Accident Investigation NB, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Committees NB, Running a Safety Committee Meeting NB, Workplace Inspections
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:104
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
A Safety Committee is made up of workers and employers working together to identify health and safety problems in the workplace. A Safety Committee plays a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe and is a requirement under Occupational Health and Safety Law. This course will review the history of Safety Committees, requirements of a committee, committee setup, terms of reference, communication, and duties and authorities.
Slide Count:41
Safety Committees play a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe. In a world of competing priorities, it can be difficult to effectively manage a committee and keep on task. This course offers tips and resources to effectively run a safety committee meeting and hold workers and managers accountable for recommended corrective actions. Material covered includes assigning secretaries and co-chairs, co-chair's duties, meeting frequency, attendance policy, entitlement, the agenda, conducting a meeting, preparing and submitting recommendations, and meeting minutes. This course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:50
Workplace inspections help prevent injuries and illnesses. Through critical examination of the workplace, inspections identify and record hazards for corrective action. This course will review the purpose of a workplace inspection, understanding the workplace elements, five forms of hazards, planning an inspection, conducting an inspection, writing a report, and following up on recommendations.
Slide Count:57
Includes: Accident Investigation NFL, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Committees NFL, Running a Safety Committee Meeting NFL, Workplace Inspections
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:106
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
A Safety Committee is made up of workers and employers working together to identify health and safety problems in the workplace. A Safety Committee plays a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe and is a requirement under Occupational Health and Safety Law. This course will review the history of Safety Committees, requirements of a committee, committee setup, terms of reference, communication, and duties and authorities.
Slide Count:41
Safety Committees play a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe. In a world of competing priorities, it can be difficult to effectively manage a committee and keep on task. This course offers tips and resources to effectively run a safety committee meeting and hold workers and managers accountable for recommended corrective actions. Material covered includes assigning secretaries and co-chairs, co-chair's duties, meeting frequency, attendance policy, entitlement, the agenda, conducting a meeting, preparing and submitting recommendations, and meeting minutes. This course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:50
Workplace inspections help prevent injuries and illnesses. Through critical examination of the workplace, inspections identify and record hazards for corrective action. This course will review the purpose of a workplace inspection, understanding the workplace elements, five forms of hazards, planning an inspection, conducting an inspection, writing a report, and following up on recommendations.
Slide Count:57
Includes: Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Workplace Inspections, Accident Investigation NT, Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Committees NT, Running a Safety Committee Meeting NT
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
Workplace inspections help prevent injuries and illnesses. Through critical examination of the workplace, inspections identify and record hazards for corrective action. This course will review the purpose of a workplace inspection, understanding the workplace elements, five forms of hazards, planning an inspection, conducting an inspection, writing a report, and following up on recommendations.
Slide Count:57
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:108
A Safety Committee is made up of workers and employers working together to identify health and safety problems in the workplace. A Safety Committee plays a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe and is a requirement under Occupational Health and Safety Law. This course will review the history of Safety Committees, requirements of a committee, committee setup, terms of reference, communication, and duties and authorities.
Slide Count:39
Safety Committees play a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe. In a world of competing priorities, it can be difficult to effectively manage a committee and keep on task. This course offers tips and resources to effectively run a safety committee meeting and hold workers and managers accountable for recommended corrective actions. Material covered includes assigning secretaries and co-chairs, co-chair's duties, meeting frequency, attendance policy, entitlement, the agenda, conducting a meeting, preparing and submitting recommendations, and meeting minutes. This course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:50
Includes: Accident Investigation NS, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Committees NS, Running a Safety Committee Meeting NS, Workplace Inspections
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:108
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
A Safety Committee is made up of workers and employers working together to identify health and safety problems in the workplace. A Safety Committee plays a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe and is a requirement under Occupational Health and Safety Law. This course will review the history of Safety Committees, requirements of a committee, committee setup, terms of reference, communication, and duties and authorities.
Slide Count:41
Safety Committees play a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe. In a world of competing priorities, it can be difficult to effectively manage a committee and keep on task. This course offers tips and resources to effectively run a safety committee meeting and hold workers and managers accountable for recommended corrective actions. Material covered includes assigning secretaries and co-chairs, co-chair's duties, meeting frequency, attendance policy, entitlement, the agenda, conducting a meeting, preparing and submitting recommendations, and meeting minutes. This course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:51
Workplace inspections help prevent injuries and illnesses. Through critical examination of the workplace, inspections identify and record hazards for corrective action. This course will review the purpose of a workplace inspection, understanding the workplace elements, five forms of hazards, planning an inspection, conducting an inspection, writing a report, and following up on recommendations.
Slide Count:57
Includes: Accident Investigation ON, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Committees ON, Running a Safety Committee Meeting ON, Workplace Inspections
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:109
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
A Safety Committee is made up of workers and employers working together to identify health and safety problems in the workplace. A Safety Committee plays a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe and is a requirement under Occupational Health and Safety Law. This course will review the history of Safety Committees, requirements of a committee, committee setup, terms of reference, communication, and duties and authorities.
Slide Count:41
Safety Committees play a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe. In a world of competing priorities, it can be difficult to effectively manage a committee and keep on task. This course offers tips and resources to effectively run a safety committee meeting and hold workers and managers accountable for recommended corrective actions. Material covered includes assigning secretaries and co-chairs, co-chair's duties, meeting frequency, attendance policy, entitlement, the agenda, conducting a meeting, preparing and submitting recommendations, and meeting minutes. This course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:50
Workplace inspections help prevent injuries and illnesses. Through critical examination of the workplace, inspections identify and record hazards for corrective action. This course will review the purpose of a workplace inspection, understanding the workplace elements, five forms of hazards, planning an inspection, conducting an inspection, writing a report, and following up on recommendations.
Slide Count:57
Includes: Accident Investigation PEI, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Committees PEI, Running a Safety Committee Meeting PEI, Workplace Inspections
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:102
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
A Safety Committee is made up of workers and employers working together to identify health and safety problems in the workplace. A Safety Committee plays a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe and is a requirement under Occupational Health and Safety Law. This introductory course introduces committee members to their duties and responsibilities, details regarding the roles and functions of the committee, requirements for meetings, as well as other important steps in establishing an effective committee.
Slide Count:40
Safety Committees play a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe. In a world of competing priorities, it can be difficult to effectively manage a committee and keep on task. This course offers tips and resources to effectively run a safety committee meeting and hold workers and managers accountable for recommended corrective actions. Material covered includes assigning secretaries and co-chairs, co-chair's duties, meeting frequency, attendance policy, entitlement, the agenda, conducting a meeting, preparing and submitting recommendations, and meeting minutes. This course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:51
Workplace inspections help prevent injuries and illnesses. Through critical examination of the workplace, inspections identify and record hazards for corrective action. This course will review the purpose of a workplace inspection, understanding the workplace elements, five forms of hazards, planning an inspection, conducting an inspection, writing a report, and following up on recommendations.
Slide Count:57
Includes: Accident Investigation QU, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Committees QU, Running a Safety Committee Meeting QU, Workplace Inspections
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:102
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
A Safety Committee is made up of workers and employers working together to identify health and safety problems in the workplace. A Safety Committee plays a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe and is a requirement under Occupational Health and Safety Law. This course will review the history of Safety Committees, requirements of a committee, committee setup, terms of reference, communication, and duties and authorities.
Slide Count:52
Safety Committees play a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe. In a world of competing priorities, it can be difficult to effectively manage a committee and keep on task. This course offers tips and resources to effectively run a safety committee meeting and hold workers and managers accountable for recommended corrective actions. Material covered includes assigning secretaries and co-chairs, co-chair's duties, meeting frequency, attendance policy, entitlement, the agenda, conducting a meeting, preparing and submitting recommendations, and meeting minutes. This course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:51
Workplace inspections help prevent injuries and illnesses. Through critical examination of the workplace, inspections identify and record hazards for corrective action. This course will review the purpose of a workplace inspection, understanding the workplace elements, five forms of hazards, planning an inspection, conducting an inspection, writing a report, and following up on recommendations.
Slide Count:57
Includes: Accident Investigation SK, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Committees SK, Running a Safety Committee Meeting SK, Workplace Inspections
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:109
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
A Safety Committee is made up of workers and employers working together to identify health and safety problems in the workplace. A Safety Committee plays a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe and is a requirement under Occupational Health and Safety Law. This course will review the history of Safety Committees, requirements of a committee, committee setup, terms of reference, communication, and duties and authorities.
Slide Count:40
Safety Committees play a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe. In a world of competing priorities, it can be difficult to effectively manage a committee and keep on task. This course offers tips and resources to effectively run a safety committee meeting and hold workers and managers accountable for recommended corrective actions. Material covered includes assigning secretaries and co-chairs, co-chair's duties, meeting frequency, attendance policy, entitlement, the agenda, conducting a meeting, preparing and submitting recommendations, and meeting minutes. This course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:50
Workplace inspections help prevent injuries and illnesses. Through critical examination of the workplace, inspections identify and record hazards for corrective action. This course will review the purpose of a workplace inspection, understanding the workplace elements, five forms of hazards, planning an inspection, conducting an inspection, writing a report, and following up on recommendations.
Slide Count:57
Includes: Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Workplace Inspections, Accident Investigation YK, Running a Safety Committee Meeting YK, Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Committees YK
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
Workplace inspections help prevent injuries and illnesses. Through critical examination of the workplace, inspections identify and record hazards for corrective action. This course will review the purpose of a workplace inspection, understanding the workplace elements, five forms of hazards, planning an inspection, conducting an inspection, writing a report, and following up on recommendations.
Slide Count:57
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:108
Safety Committees play a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe. In a world of competing priorities, it can be difficult to effectively manage a committee and keep on task. This course offers tips and resources to effectively run a safety committee meeting and hold workers and managers accountable for recommended corrective actions. Material covered includes assigning secretaries and co-chairs, co-chair's duties, meeting frequency, attendance policy, entitlement, the agenda, conducting a meeting, preparing and submitting recommendations, and meeting minutes. This course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:39
A Safety Committee is made up of workers and employers working together to identify health and safety problems in the workplace. A Safety Committee plays a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe and is a requirement under Occupational Health and Safety Law. This introductory course introduces committee members to their duties and responsibilities, details regarding the roles and functions of the committee, requirements for meetings, as well as other important steps in establishing an effective committee.
Slide Count:33
Includes: Coaching, Leadership, Duty to Accommodate, Performance Management, Workplace Conflict Resolution - For Managers
Most organizations need to improve employee productivity in order to grow and improve profitability. True productivity doesn't happen when people are only focusing on the financial or technical issues. The key to return on your employee resource investment is to develop sustainable coaching behaviours to achieve the desired business results. This course will discuss why organizations should coach, what coaching is, what makes coaching different from other forms of mentoring, coaching strategies, and how to be an effective coach.
Slide Count:47
Facing tough issues and aggressive goals, today’s businesses win by preparing genuine leaders who live out the mission and values of their organization. Top businesses know that genuine leaders increase retention, productivity, and bottom line results. In this course, employees will learn to identify the types of power and their uses, qualities of a leader, will gain knowledge about the different types of leaders, will evaluate their leadership style and how it affects relations, and will identify the key elements of leadership.
Slide Count:45
As supervisors/managers, training on accommodations in the workplace is crucial. It is important to know how to respond to and support each type of accommodation request in order to ensure that all employees are given an equal opportunity to employment that is free from discrimination on the protected grounds of human rights. This training will prepare supervisors/managers to handle accommodation requests in order to better meet the needs of both the employees and the organization.
Slide Count:82
Performance management is more than just a performance review or disciplinary action for performance infractions. It is a continuous process used to identify, measure, communicate, develop, coach, and reward employee performance. Applying the fundamentals from this training to your performance management practices will ensure you are setting your employees up for success and providing supporting information for you to make important decisions relating to the overall business success.
Slide Count:48
Conflict in the workplace is inevitable. What matters most is how those conflicts are resolved. Effective conflict resolution can help build confidence in employees and support innovation throughout the workplace. When conflict is left unresolved, the results can have a negative impact beyond the parties involved. In this course, managers will learn how to identify conflict and facilitate the resolution of conflict in the workplace.
Slide Count:53
Includes: Accident Investigation AB, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Due Diligence and the Law AB, Claims Management AB, Impairment in the workplace
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:115
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations set out the minimum standards for health and safety in workplaces as well as the duties and responsibilities of all workplace parties. This course is designed to raise awareness and working knowledge of the province’s Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations. Material covered in this course includes due diligence, legislation, roles and responsibilities, worker rights, competent supervisor, safety committee, workplace inspections, workplace violence, harassment and bullying, hazard recognition, training, reporting and investigations, and non-compliance.
Slide Count:60
This module is for Supervisors, Managers, and Claims Administrators. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of each position; when and what to report; understanding WCB-Alberta forms; offering written modified duties; identifying common issues or concerns with a claim; and hints and tips for successful claim's management.
Slide Count:77
Impairment in the workplace is an ongoing issue that many employers face. It not only affects the health and safety of the employee, but those who work around them. This module will help employers and supervisors understand their responsibilities with regards to impairment. It discusses causes, signs and symptoms of impairment, recreational and medical cannabis, recognizing and responding to impairment, drug and alcohol testing, fit for duty and the duty to accommodate for drug and alcohol dependencies.
Slide Count:73
Includes: Accident Investigation BC, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Due Diligence and the Law BC, Claims Management BC, Impairment in the workplace
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:110
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations set out the minimum standards for health and safety in workplaces as well as the duties and responsibilities of all workplace parties. This course is designed to raise awareness and working knowledge of the province’s Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations. Material covered in this course includes due diligence, legislation, roles and responsibilities, worker rights, competent supervisor, safety committee, workplace inspections, workplace violence, harassment and bullying, hazard recognition, training, reporting and investigations, and non-compliance.
Slide Count:58
This module is for Supervisors, Managers, and Claims Administrators. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of each position; when and what to report; understanding WorkSafeBC forms; offering written modified duties; identifying common issues or concerns with a claim; and hints and tips for successful claim's management.
Slide Count:76
Impairment in the workplace is an ongoing issue that many employers face. It not only affects the health and safety of the employee, but those who work around them. This module will help employers and supervisors understand their responsibilities with regards to impairment. It discusses causes, signs and symptoms of impairment, recreational and medical cannabis, recognizing and responding to impairment, drug and alcohol testing, fit for duty and the duty to accommodate for drug and alcohol dependencies.
Slide Count:73
Includes: Accident Investigation MB, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Due Diligence and the Law MB, Claims Management MB, Impairment in the workplace
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:116
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations set out the minimum standards for health and safety in workplaces as well as the duties and responsibilities of all workplace parties. This course is designed to raise awareness and working knowledge of the province’s Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations. Material covered in this course includes due diligence, legislation, roles and responsibilities, worker rights, competent supervisor, safety committee, workplace inspections, workplace violence, harassment and bullying, hazard recognition, training, reporting and investigations, and non-compliance.
Slide Count:60
This module is for Supervisors, Managers, and Claims Administrators. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of each position; when and what to report; understanding WCB-Manitoba forms; offering written modified duties; identifying common issues or concerns with a claim; and hints and tips for successful claim's management.
Slide Count:70
Impairment in the workplace is an ongoing issue that many employers face. It not only affects the health and safety of the employee, but those who work around them. This module will help employers and supervisors understand their responsibilities with regards to impairment. It discusses causes, signs and symptoms of impairment, recreational and medical cannabis, recognizing and responding to impairment, drug and alcohol testing, fit for duty and the duty to accommodate for drug and alcohol dependencies.
Slide Count:73
Includes: Accident Investigation NB, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Due Diligence and the Law NB, Claims Management NB, Impairment in the workplace
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:104
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations set out the minimum standards for health and safety in workplaces as well as the duties and responsibilities of all workplace parties. This course is designed to raise awareness and working knowledge of the province’s Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations. Material covered in this course includes due diligence, legislation, roles and responsibilities, worker rights, competent supervisor, safety committee, workplace inspections, workplace violence, harassment and bullying, hazard recognition, training, reporting and investigations, and non-compliance.
Slide Count:62
This module is for Supervisors, Managers, and Claims Administrators. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of each position; when and what to report; understanding WorkSafeNB forms; offering written modified duties; identifying common issues or concerns with a claim; and hints and tips for successful claim's management.
Slide Count:77
Impairment in the workplace is an ongoing issue that many employers face. It not only affects the health and safety of the employee, but those who work around them. This module will help employers and supervisors understand their responsibilities with regards to impairment. It discusses causes, signs and symptoms of impairment, recreational and medical cannabis, recognizing and responding to impairment, drug and alcohol testing, fit for duty and the duty to accommodate for drug and alcohol dependencies.
Slide Count:73
Includes: Accident Investigation NFL, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Due Diligence and the Law NFL, Claims Management NL, Impairment in the workplace
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:106
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations set out the minimum standards for health and safety in workplaces as well as the duties and responsibilities of all workplace parties. This course is designed to raise awareness and working knowledge of the province’s Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations. Material covered in this course includes due diligence, legislation, roles and responsibilities, worker rights, competent supervisor, safety committee, workplace inspections, workplace violence, harassment and bullying, hazard recognition, training, reporting and investigations, and non-compliance.
Slide Count:64
This module is for Supervisors, Managers, and Claims Administrators. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of each position; when and what to report; understanding WorkplaceNL forms; offering written modified duties; identifying common issues or concerns with a claim; and hints and tips for successful claim's management.
Slide Count:76
Impairment in the workplace is an ongoing issue that many employers face. It not only affects the health and safety of the employee, but those who work around them. This module will help employers and supervisors understand their responsibilities with regards to impairment. It discusses causes, signs and symptoms of impairment, recreational and medical cannabis, recognizing and responding to impairment, drug and alcohol testing, fit for duty and the duty to accommodate for drug and alcohol dependencies.
Slide Count:73
Includes: Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Due Diligence and the Law NWT, Accident Investigation NT, Claims Management NWT, Impairment in the workplace
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations set out the minimum standards for health and safety in workplaces as well as the duties and responsibilities of all workplace parties. This course is designed to raise awareness and working knowledge of the province’s Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations. Material covered in this course includes due diligence, legislation, roles and responsibilities, worker rights, competent supervisor, safety committee, workplace inspections, workplace violence, harassment and bullying, hazard recognition, training, reporting and investigations, and non-compliance.
Slide Count:61
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:108
This module is for Supervisors, Managers, and Claims Administrators. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of each position; when and what to report; understanding WSCC forms; offering written modified duties; identifying common issues or concerns with a claim; and hints and tips for successful claim's management.
Slide Count:81
Impairment in the workplace is an ongoing issue that many employers face. It not only affects the health and safety of the employee, but those who work around them. This module will help employers and supervisors understand their responsibilities with regards to impairment. It discusses causes, signs and symptoms of impairment, recreational and medical cannabis, recognizing and responding to impairment, drug and alcohol testing, fit for duty and the duty to accommodate for drug and alcohol dependencies.
Slide Count:73
Includes: Accident Investigation NS, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Due Diligence and the Law NS, Claims Management NS, Impairment in the workplace
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:108
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations set out the minimum standards for health and safety in workplaces as well as the duties and responsibilities of all workplace parties. This course is designed to raise awareness and working knowledge of the province’s Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations. Material covered in this course includes due diligence, legislation, roles and responsibilities, worker rights, competent supervisor, safety committee, workplace inspections, workplace violence, harassment and bullying, hazard recognition, training, reporting and investigations, and non-compliance.
Slide Count:62
This module is for Supervisors, Managers, and Claims Administrators. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of each position; when and what to report; understanding WCB-Nova Scotia forms; offering written modified duties; identifying common issues or concerns with a claim; and hints and tips for successful claim's management.
Slide Count:73
Impairment in the workplace is an ongoing issue that many employers face. It not only affects the health and safety of the employee, but those who work around them. This module will help employers and supervisors understand their responsibilities with regards to impairment. It discusses causes, signs and symptoms of impairment, recreational and medical cannabis, recognizing and responding to impairment, drug and alcohol testing, fit for duty and the duty to accommodate for drug and alcohol dependencies.
Slide Count:73
Includes: Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Impairment in the workplace, Due Diligence and the Law NU, Accident Investigation NU, Claims Management NU
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
Impairment in the workplace is an ongoing issue that many employers face. It not only affects the health and safety of the employee, but those who work around them. This module will help employers and supervisors understand their responsibilities with regards to impairment. It discusses causes, signs and symptoms of impairment, recreational and medical cannabis, recognizing and responding to impairment, drug and alcohol testing, fit for duty and the duty to accommodate for drug and alcohol dependencies.
Slide Count:73
Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations set out the minimum standards for health and safety in workplaces as well as the duties and responsibilities of all workplace parties. This course is designed to raise awareness and working knowledge of the province’s Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations. Material covered in this course includes due diligence, legislation, roles and responsibilities, worker rights, competent supervisor, safety committee, workplace inspections, workplace violence, harassment and bullying, hazard recognition, training, reporting and investigations, and non-compliance.
Slide Count:61
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:108
This module is for Supervisors, Managers, and Claims Administrators. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of each position; when and what to report; understanding WSCC forms; offering written modified duties; identifying common issues or concerns with a claim; and hints and tips for successful claim's management.
Slide Count:81
Includes: Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Supervisor Competency, Due Diligence and the Law ON, Claims Management ON, Impairment in the workplace
Ontario Only. Under section 8(5) of the OHSA, it is required that appointed supervisors be competent. Properly training supervisors is part of meeting this requirement. Comprised of 5 modules, Supervisor Competency offers a perspective on the competencies that supervisors require in order to achieve superior workplace management. Superior workplace management results in greater health and safety within the operation and a better understanding of social responsibility in the workplace. The Supervisor Competency training program outlines the activities, knowledge and skills that are expected to enhance a supervisor’s performance. By providing examples, the course encourages continuous improvement and strives to make a positive difference in supervisory outcomes in today’s workplaces. Upon completion of the 5 modules of the program, supervisors will be issued a competency certificate.
Slide Count:480
This module is for Supervisors, Managers, and Claims Administrators. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of each position; when and what to report; understanding WSIB forms; offering written modified duties; identifying common issues or concerns with a claim; and hints and tips for successful claim's management.
Slide Count:80
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations set out the minimum standards for health and safety in workplaces as well as the duties and responsibilities of all workplace parties. This course is designed to raise awareness and working knowledge of the province’s Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations. Material covered in this course includes due diligence, legislation, roles and responsibilities, worker rights, competent supervisor, safety committee, workplace inspections, workplace violence, harassment and bullying, hazard recognition, training, reporting and investigations, and non-compliance.
Slide Count:56
Impairment in the workplace is an ongoing issue that many employers face. It not only affects the health and safety of the employee, but those who work around them. This module will help employers and supervisors understand their responsibilities with regards to impairment. It discusses causes, signs and symptoms of impairment, recreational and medical cannabis, recognizing and responding to impairment, drug and alcohol testing, fit for duty and the duty to accommodate for drug and alcohol dependencies.
Slide Count:73
Includes: Accident Investigation PEI, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Due Diligence and the Law PEI, Claims Management PEI, Impairment in the workplace
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:102
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations set out the minimum standards for health and safety in workplaces as well as the duties and responsibilities of all workplace parties. This course is designed to raise awareness and working knowledge of the province’s Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations. Material covered in this course includes due diligence, legislation, roles and responsibilities, worker rights, competent supervisor, safety committee, workplace inspections, workplace violence, harassment and bullying, hazard recognition, training, reporting and investigations, and non-compliance.
Slide Count:61
This module is for Supervisors, Managers, and Claims Administrators. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of each position; when and what to report; understanding WCB-PEI forms; offering written modified duties; identifying common issues or concerns with a claim; and hints and tips for successful claim's management.
Slide Count:75
Impairment in the workplace is an ongoing issue that many employers face. It not only affects the health and safety of the employee, but those who work around them. This module will help employers and supervisors understand their responsibilities with regards to impairment. It discusses causes, signs and symptoms of impairment, recreational and medical cannabis, recognizing and responding to impairment, drug and alcohol testing, fit for duty and the duty to accommodate for drug and alcohol dependencies.
Slide Count:73
Includes: Accident Investigation QU, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Due Diligence and the Law QU, Claims Management QC, Impairment in the workplace
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:102
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations set out the minimum standards for health and safety in workplaces as well as the duties and responsibilities of all workplace parties. This course is designed to raise awareness and working knowledge of the province’s Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations. Material covered in this course includes due diligence, legislation, roles and responsibilities, worker rights, competent supervisor, safety committee, workplace inspections, workplace violence, harassment and bullying, hazard recognition, training, reporting and investigations, and non-compliance.
Slide Count:63
This module is for Supervisors, Managers, and Claims Administrators. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of each position; when and what to report; understanding CNESST forms; offering written modified duties; identifying common issues or concerns with a claim; and hints and tips for successful claim's management.
Slide Count:77
Impairment in the workplace is an ongoing issue that many employers face. It not only affects the health and safety of the employee, but those who work around them. This module will help employers and supervisors understand their responsibilities with regards to impairment. It discusses causes, signs and symptoms of impairment, recreational and medical cannabis, recognizing and responding to impairment, drug and alcohol testing, fit for duty and the duty to accommodate for drug and alcohol dependencies.
Slide Count:73
Includes: Accident Investigation SK, Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Due Diligence and the Law SK, Claims Management SK, Impairment in the workplace
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:109
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations set out the minimum standards for health and safety in workplaces as well as the duties and responsibilities of all workplace parties. This course is designed to raise awareness and working knowledge of the province’s Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations. Material covered in this course includes due diligence, legislation, roles and responsibilities, worker rights, competent supervisor, safety committee, workplace inspections, workplace violence, harassment and bullying, hazard recognition, training, reporting and investigations, and non-compliance.
Slide Count:58
This module is for Supervisors, Managers, and Claims Administrators. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of each position; when and what to report; understanding WCB-Saskatchewan forms; offering written modified duties; identifying common issues or concerns with a claim; and hints and tips for successful claim's management.
Slide Count:76
Impairment in the workplace is an ongoing issue that many employers face. It not only affects the health and safety of the employee, but those who work around them. This module will help employers and supervisors understand their responsibilities with regards to impairment. It discusses causes, signs and symptoms of impairment, recreational and medical cannabis, recognizing and responding to impairment, drug and alcohol testing, fit for duty and the duty to accommodate for drug and alcohol dependencies.
Slide Count:73
Includes: Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation, Due Diligence and the Law YK, Accident Investigation YK, Claims Management YK, Impairment in the workplace
Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Slide Count:78
Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations set out the minimum standards for health and safety in workplaces as well as the duties and responsibilities of all workplace parties. This course is designed to raise awareness and working knowledge of the province’s Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations. Material covered in this course includes due diligence, legislation, roles and responsibilities, worker rights, competent supervisor, safety committee, workplace inspections, workplace violence, harassment and bullying, hazard recognition, training, reporting and investigations, and non-compliance.
Slide Count:63
Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Slide Count:108
This module is for Supervisors, Managers, and Claims Administrators. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of each position; when and what to report; understanding WCHSB-Yukon forms; offering written modified duties; identifying common issues or concerns with a claim; and hints and tips for successful claim's management.
Slide Count:74
Impairment in the workplace is an ongoing issue that many employers face. It not only affects the health and safety of the employee, but those who work around them. This module will help employers and supervisors understand their responsibilities with regards to impairment. It discusses causes, signs and symptoms of impairment, recreational and medical cannabis, recognizing and responding to impairment, drug and alcohol testing, fit for duty and the duty to accommodate for drug and alcohol dependencies.
Slide Count:73
Includes: Safety Basics AB, Work Refusal AB, Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying, WHMIS, MSD Basics
This course provides readers with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely. Safety Basics provides employees with a basic overview of health and safety legislation and regulations in their province and introduces them to the concept of health and safety. Material covered includes applicable law, roles and responsibilities, hazard identification, personal protective equipment, safety basics, office safety, preventing violence, preventing back injuries, and early safe return to work. The content of this course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:129
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation gives workers the right to refuse work when it is believed to be unsafe. It is important that workers, employers, supervisors, health and safety representatives and committee members understand this procedure. By completing this course, readers will understand the procedures in refusing unsafe work and what to expect during the process of refusal. Material covered includes the work refusal process and the documentation involved.
Slide Count:18
Workplace violence, harassment and bullying are potential hazards that exist in every workplace and must be treated as we treat all high-rated hazards. Left uncontrolled, harassment and bullying may lead to violence, which can result in injuries. The purpose of this course is to instruct all workplace parties on their role in preventing and dealing with workplace violence, harassment and bullying. Material covered includes what the law says, roles and responsibilities, a look at what workplace violence is, a look at what harassment and bullying is, and program components.
Slide Count:102
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) has aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). GHS is a worldwide system. With a common set of rules for classifying hazardous products, common rules for labels, and a standard format for safety data sheets (SDSs). As of December 1, 2018, there must be WHMIS labels and safety data sheets for all hazardous products in the workplace. This course focuses on the changes to WHMIS with the implementation of GHS. Material covered includes roles and responsibilities, hazard pictograms, hazard classes, labels and their required elements, safety data sheets and how to read them, and will give the reader a chance to apply their knowledge.
Slide Count:76
Every day the human body faces wear and tear. Whether it be from a long commute, a gruelling workout, lifting heavy objects, or completing repetitive tasks; it all takes a toll. Workers have a right to be aware of the hazards they face on the job and know how to control those hazards. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of those hazards. MSD Basics educates learners on what MSDs are, including the main risk factors, how to identify controls for MSDs and practice guidelines for safe movement.
Slide Count:47
Includes: Safety Basics BC, Work Refusal BC, WHMIS, Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying BC, MSD Basics
This course provides readers with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely. Safety Basics provides employees with a basic overview of health and safety legislation and regulations in their province and introduces them to the concept of health and safety. Material covered includes applicable law, roles and responsibilities, hazard identification, personal protective equipment, safety basics, office safety, preventing violence, preventing back injuries, and early safe return to work. The content of this course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:129
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation gives workers the right to refuse work when it is believed to be unsafe. It is important that workers, employers, supervisors, health and safety representatives and committee members understand this procedure. By completing this course, readers will understand the procedures in refusing unsafe work and what to expect during the process of refusal. Material covered includes the work refusal process and the documentation involved.
Slide Count:19
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) has aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). GHS is a worldwide system. With a common set of rules for classifying hazardous products, common rules for labels, and a standard format for safety data sheets (SDSs). As of December 1, 2018, there must be WHMIS labels and safety data sheets for all hazardous products in the workplace. This course focuses on the changes to WHMIS with the implementation of GHS. Material covered includes roles and responsibilities, hazard pictograms, hazard classes, labels and their required elements, safety data sheets and how to read them, and will give the reader a chance to apply their knowledge.
Slide Count:76
Workplace violence, harassment and bullying are potential hazards that exist in every workplace and must be treated as we treat all high-rated hazards. Left uncontrolled, harassment and bullying may lead to violence, which can result in injuries. The purpose of this course is to instruct all workplace parties on their role in preventing and dealing with workplace violence, harassment and bullying. Material covered includes what the law says, roles and responsibilities, a look at what workplace violence is, a look at what harassment and bullying is, and program components.
Slide Count:102
Every day the human body faces wear and tear. Whether it be from a long commute, a gruelling workout, lifting heavy objects, or completing repetitive tasks; it all takes a toll. Workers have a right to be aware of the hazards they face on the job and know how to control those hazards. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of those hazards. MSD Basics educates learners on what MSDs are, including the main risk factors, how to identify controls for MSDs and practice guidelines for safe movement.
Slide Count:47
Includes: Safety Basics MB, Work Refusal MB, Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying, WHMIS, MSD Basics
This course provides readers with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely. Safety Basics provides employees with a basic overview of health and safety legislation and regulations in their province and introduces them to the concept of health and safety. Material covered includes applicable law, roles and responsibilities, hazard identification, personal protective equipment, safety basics, office safety, preventing violence, preventing back injuries, and early safe return to work. The content of this course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:129
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation gives workers the right to refuse work when it is believed to be unsafe. It is important that workers, employers, supervisors, health and safety representatives and committee members understand this procedure. By completing this course, readers will understand the procedures in refusing unsafe work and what to expect during the process of refusal. Material covered includes the work refusal process and the documentation involved.
Slide Count:18
Workplace violence, harassment and bullying are potential hazards that exist in every workplace and must be treated as we treat all high-rated hazards. Left uncontrolled, harassment and bullying may lead to violence, which can result in injuries. The purpose of this course is to instruct all workplace parties on their role in preventing and dealing with workplace violence, harassment and bullying. Material covered includes what the law says, roles and responsibilities, a look at what workplace violence is, a look at what harassment and bullying is, and program components.
Slide Count:102
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) has aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). GHS is a worldwide system. With a common set of rules for classifying hazardous products, common rules for labels, and a standard format for safety data sheets (SDSs). As of December 1, 2018, there must be WHMIS labels and safety data sheets for all hazardous products in the workplace. This course focuses on the changes to WHMIS with the implementation of GHS. Material covered includes roles and responsibilities, hazard pictograms, hazard classes, labels and their required elements, safety data sheets and how to read them, and will give the reader a chance to apply their knowledge.
Slide Count:76
Every day the human body faces wear and tear. Whether it be from a long commute, a gruelling workout, lifting heavy objects, or completing repetitive tasks; it all takes a toll. Workers have a right to be aware of the hazards they face on the job and know how to control those hazards. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of those hazards. MSD Basics educates learners on what MSDs are, including the main risk factors, how to identify controls for MSDs and practice guidelines for safe movement.
Slide Count:47
Includes: Safety Basics NB, Work Refusal NB, Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying, WHMIS, MSD Basics
This course provides readers with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely. Safety Basics provides employees with a basic overview of health and safety legislation and regulations in their province and introduces them to the concept of health and safety. Material covered includes applicable law, roles and responsibilities, hazard identification, personal protective equipment, safety basics, office safety, preventing violence, preventing back injuries, and early safe return to work. The content of this course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:133
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation gives workers the right to refuse work when it is believed to be unsafe. It is important that workers, employers, supervisors health and safety representatives and committee members understand this procedure. By completing this module, learners will understand the procedures in refusing unsafe work and what to expect during the process of refusal.
Slide Count:19
Workplace violence, harassment and bullying are potential hazards that exist in every workplace and must be treated as we treat all high-rated hazards. Left uncontrolled, harassment and bullying may lead to violence, which can result in injuries. The purpose of this course is to instruct all workplace parties on their role in preventing and dealing with workplace violence, harassment and bullying. Material covered includes what the law says, roles and responsibilities, a look at what workplace violence is, a look at what harassment and bullying is, and program components.
Slide Count:102
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) has aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). GHS is a worldwide system. With a common set of rules for classifying hazardous products, common rules for labels, and a standard format for safety data sheets (SDSs). As of December 1, 2018, there must be WHMIS labels and safety data sheets for all hazardous products in the workplace. This course focuses on the changes to WHMIS with the implementation of GHS. Material covered includes roles and responsibilities, hazard pictograms, hazard classes, labels and their required elements, safety data sheets and how to read them, and will give the reader a chance to apply their knowledge.
Slide Count:76
Every day the human body faces wear and tear. Whether it be from a long commute, a gruelling workout, lifting heavy objects, or completing repetitive tasks; it all takes a toll. Workers have a right to be aware of the hazards they face on the job and know how to control those hazards. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of those hazards. MSD Basics educates learners on what MSDs are, including the main risk factors, how to identify controls for MSDs and practice guidelines for safe movement.
Slide Count:47
Includes: Safety Basics NFL, Work Refusal NFL, Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying, WHMIS, MSD Basics
This course provides readers with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely. Safety Basics provides employees with a basic overview of health and safety legislation and regulations in their province and introduces them to the concept of health and safety. Material covered includes applicable law, roles and responsibilities, hazard identification, personal protective equipment, safety basics, office safety, preventing violence, preventing back injuries, and early safe return to work. The content of this course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:129
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation gives workers the right to refuse work when it is believed to be unsafe. It is important that workers, employers, supervisors, health and safety representatives and committee members understand this procedure. By completing this course, readers will understand the procedures in refusing unsafe work and what to expect during the process of refusal. Material covered includes the work refusal process and the documentation involved.
Slide Count:18
Workplace violence, harassment and bullying are potential hazards that exist in every workplace and must be treated as we treat all high-rated hazards. Left uncontrolled, harassment and bullying may lead to violence, which can result in injuries. The purpose of this course is to instruct all workplace parties on their role in preventing and dealing with workplace violence, harassment and bullying. Material covered includes what the law says, roles and responsibilities, a look at what workplace violence is, a look at what harassment and bullying is, and program components.
Slide Count:102
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) has aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). GHS is a worldwide system. With a common set of rules for classifying hazardous products, common rules for labels, and a standard format for safety data sheets (SDSs). As of December 1, 2018, there must be WHMIS labels and safety data sheets for all hazardous products in the workplace. This course focuses on the changes to WHMIS with the implementation of GHS. Material covered includes roles and responsibilities, hazard pictograms, hazard classes, labels and their required elements, safety data sheets and how to read them, and will give the reader a chance to apply their knowledge.
Slide Count:76
Every day the human body faces wear and tear. Whether it be from a long commute, a gruelling workout, lifting heavy objects, or completing repetitive tasks; it all takes a toll. Workers have a right to be aware of the hazards they face on the job and know how to control those hazards. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of those hazards. MSD Basics educates learners on what MSDs are, including the main risk factors, how to identify controls for MSDs and practice guidelines for safe movement.
Slide Count:47
Includes: Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying, WHMIS, Work Refusal NT, Safety Basics NT, MSD Basics
Workplace violence, harassment and bullying are potential hazards that exist in every workplace and must be treated as we treat all high-rated hazards. Left uncontrolled, harassment and bullying may lead to violence, which can result in injuries. The purpose of this course is to instruct all workplace parties on their role in preventing and dealing with workplace violence, harassment and bullying. Material covered includes what the law says, roles and responsibilities, a look at what workplace violence is, a look at what harassment and bullying is, and program components.
Slide Count:102
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) has aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). GHS is a worldwide system. With a common set of rules for classifying hazardous products, common rules for labels, and a standard format for safety data sheets (SDSs). As of December 1, 2018, there must be WHMIS labels and safety data sheets for all hazardous products in the workplace. This course focuses on the changes to WHMIS with the implementation of GHS. Material covered includes roles and responsibilities, hazard pictograms, hazard classes, labels and their required elements, safety data sheets and how to read them, and will give the reader a chance to apply their knowledge.
Slide Count:76
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation gives workers the right to refuse work when it is believed to be unsafe. It is important that workers, employers, supervisors, health and safety representatives and committee members understand this procedure. By completing this course, readers will understand the procedures in refusing unsafe work and what to expect during the process of refusal. Material covered includes the work refusal process and the documentation involved.
Slide Count:17
This course provides readers with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely. Safety Basics provides employees with a basic overview of health and safety legislation and regulations in their province and introduces them to the concept of health and safety. Material covered includes applicable law, roles and responsibilities, hazard identification, personal protective equipment, safety basics, office safety, preventing violence, preventing back injuries, and early safe return to work. The content of this course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:129
Every day the human body faces wear and tear. Whether it be from a long commute, a gruelling workout, lifting heavy objects, or completing repetitive tasks; it all takes a toll. Workers have a right to be aware of the hazards they face on the job and know how to control those hazards. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of those hazards. MSD Basics educates learners on what MSDs are, including the main risk factors, how to identify controls for MSDs and practice guidelines for safe movement.
Slide Count:47
Includes: Safety Basics NS, Work Refusal NS, Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying, WHMIS, MSD Basics
This course provides readers with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely. Safety Basics provides employees with a basic overview of health and safety legislation and regulations in their province and introduces them to the concept of health and safety. Material covered includes applicable law, roles and responsibilities, hazard identification, personal protective equipment, safety basics, office safety, preventing violence, preventing back injuries, and early safe return to work. The content of this course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:129
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation gives workers the right to refuse work when it is believed to be unsafe. It is important that workers, employers, supervisors, health and safety representatives and committee members understand this procedure. By completing this course, readers will understand the procedures in refusing unsafe work and what to expect during the process of refusal. Material covered includes the work refusal process and the documentation involved.
Slide Count:18
Workplace violence, harassment and bullying are potential hazards that exist in every workplace and must be treated as we treat all high-rated hazards. Left uncontrolled, harassment and bullying may lead to violence, which can result in injuries. The purpose of this course is to instruct all workplace parties on their role in preventing and dealing with workplace violence, harassment and bullying. Material covered includes what the law says, roles and responsibilities, a look at what workplace violence is, a look at what harassment and bullying is, and program components.
Slide Count:102
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) has aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). GHS is a worldwide system. With a common set of rules for classifying hazardous products, common rules for labels, and a standard format for safety data sheets (SDSs). As of December 1, 2018, there must be WHMIS labels and safety data sheets for all hazardous products in the workplace. This course focuses on the changes to WHMIS with the implementation of GHS. Material covered includes roles and responsibilities, hazard pictograms, hazard classes, labels and their required elements, safety data sheets and how to read them, and will give the reader a chance to apply their knowledge.
Slide Count:76
Every day the human body faces wear and tear. Whether it be from a long commute, a gruelling workout, lifting heavy objects, or completing repetitive tasks; it all takes a toll. Workers have a right to be aware of the hazards they face on the job and know how to control those hazards. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of those hazards. MSD Basics educates learners on what MSDs are, including the main risk factors, how to identify controls for MSDs and practice guidelines for safe movement.
Slide Count:47
Includes: Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying, WHMIS, Safety Basics NU, Work Refusal NU, MSD Basics
Workplace violence, harassment and bullying are potential hazards that exist in every workplace and must be treated as we treat all high-rated hazards. Left uncontrolled, harassment and bullying may lead to violence, which can result in injuries. The purpose of this course is to instruct all workplace parties on their role in preventing and dealing with workplace violence, harassment and bullying. Material covered includes what the law says, roles and responsibilities, a look at what workplace violence is, a look at what harassment and bullying is, and program components.
Slide Count:102
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) has aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). GHS is a worldwide system. With a common set of rules for classifying hazardous products, common rules for labels, and a standard format for safety data sheets (SDSs). As of December 1, 2018, there must be WHMIS labels and safety data sheets for all hazardous products in the workplace. This course focuses on the changes to WHMIS with the implementation of GHS. Material covered includes roles and responsibilities, hazard pictograms, hazard classes, labels and their required elements, safety data sheets and how to read them, and will give the reader a chance to apply their knowledge.
Slide Count:76
This course provides readers with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely. Safety Basics provides employees with a basic overview of health and safety legislation and regulations in their province and introduces them to the concept of health and safety. Material covered includes applicable law, roles and responsibilities, hazard identification, personal protective equipment, safety basics, office safety, preventing violence, preventing back injuries, and early safe return to work. The content of this course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:129
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation gives workers the right to refuse work when it is believed to be unsafe. It is important that workers, employers, supervisors, health and safety representatives and committee members understand this procedure. By completing this course, readers will understand the procedures in refusing unsafe work and what to expect during the process of refusal. Material covered includes the work refusal process and the documentation involved.
Slide Count:17
Every day the human body faces wear and tear. Whether it be from a long commute, a gruelling workout, lifting heavy objects, or completing repetitive tasks; it all takes a toll. Workers have a right to be aware of the hazards they face on the job and know how to control those hazards. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of those hazards. MSD Basics educates learners on what MSDs are, including the main risk factors, how to identify controls for MSDs and practice guidelines for safe movement.
Slide Count:47
Includes: Work Refusal ON, Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying, WHMIS, Worker Awareness Training, MSD Basics
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation gives workers the right to refuse work when it is believed to be unsafe. It is important that workers, employers, supervisors, health and safety representatives and committee members understand this procedure. By completing this course, readers will understand the procedures in refusing unsafe work and what to expect during the process of refusal. Material covered includes the work refusal process and the documentation involved.
Slide Count:19
Workplace violence, harassment and bullying are potential hazards that exist in every workplace and must be treated as we treat all high-rated hazards. Left uncontrolled, harassment and bullying may lead to violence, which can result in injuries. The purpose of this course is to instruct all workplace parties on their role in preventing and dealing with workplace violence, harassment and bullying. Material covered includes what the law says, roles and responsibilities, a look at what workplace violence is, a look at what harassment and bullying is, and program components.
Slide Count:102
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) has aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). GHS is a worldwide system. With a common set of rules for classifying hazardous products, common rules for labels, and a standard format for safety data sheets (SDSs). As of December 1, 2018, there must be WHMIS labels and safety data sheets for all hazardous products in the workplace. This course focuses on the changes to WHMIS with the implementation of GHS. Material covered includes roles and responsibilities, hazard pictograms, hazard classes, labels and their required elements, safety data sheets and how to read them, and will give the reader a chance to apply their knowledge.
Slide Count:76
Ontario Only. The worker awareness training program is comprised of three modules which are designed to provide all workers with the basics of health and safety, as it is applied to the workplace. On working through this training program, readers will able to understand their obligations and role to health and safety within the workplace. Module 1 is an introduction to health and safety, module 2 looks at workplace hazards, and module 3 deals with working together for safety.
Slide Count:146
Every day the human body faces wear and tear. Whether it be from a long commute, a gruelling workout, lifting heavy objects, or completing repetitive tasks; it all takes a toll. Workers have a right to be aware of the hazards they face on the job and know how to control those hazards. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of those hazards. MSD Basics educates learners on what MSDs are, including the main risk factors, how to identify controls for MSDs and practice guidelines for safe movement.
Slide Count:47
Includes: Safety Basics PEI, Work Refusal PEI, Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying, WHMIS, MSD Basics
This course provides readers with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely. Safety Basics provides employees with a basic overview of health and safety legislation and regulations in their province and introduces them to the concept of health and safety. Material covered includes applicable law, roles and responsibilities, hazard identification, personal protective equipment, safety basics, office safety, preventing violence, preventing back injuries, and early safe return to work. The content of this course is based off of provincial legislation.
provides learners with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely. Safety Basics provides learners with a basic overview of health and safety legislation and regulations in their province and introduces them to the concept of health and safety. By completing this module, learners will gain an understanding in the essential elements and day to day functions of a health and safety program, the internal responsibility syst
Slide Count:129
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation gives workers the right to refuse work when it is believed to be unsafe. It is important that workers, employers, supervisors, health and safety representatives and committee members understand this procedure. By completing this course, readers will understand the procedures in refusing unsafe work and what to expect during the process of refusal. Material covered includes the work refusal process and the documentation involved.
Slide Count:18
Workplace violence, harassment and bullying are potential hazards that exist in every workplace and must be treated as we treat all high-rated hazards. Left uncontrolled, harassment and bullying may lead to violence, which can result in injuries. The purpose of this course is to instruct all workplace parties on their role in preventing and dealing with workplace violence, harassment and bullying. Material covered includes what the law says, roles and responsibilities, a look at what workplace violence is, a look at what harassment and bullying is, and program components.
Slide Count:102
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) has aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). GHS is a worldwide system. With a common set of rules for classifying hazardous products, common rules for labels, and a standard format for safety data sheets (SDSs). As of December 1, 2018, there must be WHMIS labels and safety data sheets for all hazardous products in the workplace. This course focuses on the changes to WHMIS with the implementation of GHS. Material covered includes roles and responsibilities, hazard pictograms, hazard classes, labels and their required elements, safety data sheets and how to read them, and will give the reader a chance to apply their knowledge.
Slide Count:76
Every day the human body faces wear and tear. Whether it be from a long commute, a gruelling workout, lifting heavy objects, or completing repetitive tasks; it all takes a toll. Workers have a right to be aware of the hazards they face on the job and know how to control those hazards. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of those hazards. MSD Basics educates learners on what MSDs are, including the main risk factors, how to identify controls for MSDs and practice guidelines for safe movement.
Slide Count:47
Includes: Safety Basics QU, Work Refusal QU, Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying, WHMIS, MSD Basics
This course provides readers with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely. Safety Basics provides employees with a basic overview of health and safety legislation and regulations in their province and introduces them to the concept of health and safety. Material covered includes applicable law, roles and responsibilities, hazard identification, personal protective equipment, safety basics, office safety, preventing violence, preventing back injuries, and early safe return to work. The content of this course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:133
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation gives workers the right to refuse work when it is believed to be unsafe. It is important that workers, employers, supervisors, health and safety representatives and committee members understand this procedure. By completing this course, readers will understand the procedures in refusing unsafe work and what to expect during the process of refusal. Material covered includes the work refusal process and the documentation involved.
Slide Count:19
Workplace violence, harassment and bullying are potential hazards that exist in every workplace and must be treated as we treat all high-rated hazards. Left uncontrolled, harassment and bullying may lead to violence, which can result in injuries. The purpose of this course is to instruct all workplace parties on their role in preventing and dealing with workplace violence, harassment and bullying. Material covered includes what the law says, roles and responsibilities, a look at what workplace violence is, a look at what harassment and bullying is, and program components.
Slide Count:102
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) has aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). GHS is a worldwide system. With a common set of rules for classifying hazardous products, common rules for labels, and a standard format for safety data sheets (SDSs). As of December 1, 2018, there must be WHMIS labels and safety data sheets for all hazardous products in the workplace. This course focuses on the changes to WHMIS with the implementation of GHS. Material covered includes roles and responsibilities, hazard pictograms, hazard classes, labels and their required elements, safety data sheets and how to read them, and will give the reader a chance to apply their knowledge.
Slide Count:76
Every day the human body faces wear and tear. Whether it be from a long commute, a gruelling workout, lifting heavy objects, or completing repetitive tasks; it all takes a toll. Workers have a right to be aware of the hazards they face on the job and know how to control those hazards. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of those hazards. MSD Basics educates learners on what MSDs are, including the main risk factors, how to identify controls for MSDs and practice guidelines for safe movement.
Slide Count:47
Includes: Safety Basics SK, Work Refusal SK, Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying, WHMIS, MSD Basics
This course provides readers with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely. Safety Basics provides employees with a basic overview of health and safety legislation and regulations in their province and introduces them to the concept of health and safety. Material covered includes applicable law, roles and responsibilities, hazard identification, personal protective equipment, safety basics, office safety, preventing violence, preventing back injuries, and early safe return to work. The content of this course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:129
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation gives workers the right to refuse work when it is believed to be unsafe. It is important that workers, employers, supervisors health and safety representatives and committee members understand this procedure. By completing this module, learners will understand the procedures in refusing unsafe work and what to expect during the process of refusal.
Slide Count:18
Workplace violence, harassment and bullying are potential hazards that exist in every workplace and must be treated as we treat all high-rated hazards. Left uncontrolled, harassment and bullying may lead to violence, which can result in injuries. The purpose of this course is to instruct all workplace parties on their role in preventing and dealing with workplace violence, harassment and bullying. Material covered includes what the law says, roles and responsibilities, a look at what workplace violence is, a look at what harassment and bullying is, and program components.
Slide Count:102
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) has aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). GHS is a worldwide system. With a common set of rules for classifying hazardous products, common rules for labels, and a standard format for safety data sheets (SDSs). As of December 1, 2018, there must be WHMIS labels and safety data sheets for all hazardous products in the workplace. This course focuses on the changes to WHMIS with the implementation of GHS. Material covered includes roles and responsibilities, hazard pictograms, hazard classes, labels and their required elements, safety data sheets and how to read them, and will give the reader a chance to apply their knowledge.
Slide Count:76
Every day the human body faces wear and tear. Whether it be from a long commute, a gruelling workout, lifting heavy objects, or completing repetitive tasks; it all takes a toll. Workers have a right to be aware of the hazards they face on the job and know how to control those hazards. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of those hazards. MSD Basics educates learners on what MSDs are, including the main risk factors, how to identify controls for MSDs and practice guidelines for safe movement.
Slide Count:47
Includes: Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying, WHMIS, Work Refusal YK, Safety Basics YK, MSD Basics
Workplace violence, harassment and bullying are potential hazards that exist in every workplace and must be treated as we treat all high-rated hazards. Left uncontrolled, harassment and bullying may lead to violence, which can result in injuries. The purpose of this course is to instruct all workplace parties on their role in preventing and dealing with workplace violence, harassment and bullying. Material covered includes what the law says, roles and responsibilities, a look at what workplace violence is, a look at what harassment and bullying is, and program components.
Slide Count:102
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) has aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). GHS is a worldwide system. With a common set of rules for classifying hazardous products, common rules for labels, and a standard format for safety data sheets (SDSs). As of December 1, 2018, there must be WHMIS labels and safety data sheets for all hazardous products in the workplace. This course focuses on the changes to WHMIS with the implementation of GHS. Material covered includes roles and responsibilities, hazard pictograms, hazard classes, labels and their required elements, safety data sheets and how to read them, and will give the reader a chance to apply their knowledge.
Slide Count:76
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation gives workers the right to refuse work when it is believed to be unsafe. It is important that workers, employers, supervisors, health and safety representatives and committee members understand this procedure. By completing this course, readers will understand the procedures in refusing unsafe work and what to expect during the process of refusal. Material covered includes the work refusal process and the documentation involved.
Slide Count:17
This course provides readers with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely. Safety Basics provides employees with a basic overview of health and safety legislation and regulations in their province and introduces them to the concept of health and safety. Material covered includes applicable law, roles and responsibilities, hazard identification, personal protective equipment, safety basics, office safety, preventing violence, preventing back injuries, and early safe return to work. The content of this course is based off of provincial legislation.
Slide Count:135
Every day the human body faces wear and tear. Whether it be from a long commute, a gruelling workout, lifting heavy objects, or completing repetitive tasks; it all takes a toll. Workers have a right to be aware of the hazards they face on the job and know how to control those hazards. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of those hazards. MSD Basics educates learners on what MSDs are, including the main risk factors, how to identify controls for MSDs and practice guidelines for safe movement.
Slide Count:47
Includes: Communication, Respect in the Workplace, Diversity and Inclusion, Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses, Accessible Customer Service
Regardless of the size of the organization - whether it's a large corporation, a small company, or even a homebased business – everyone requires good communication skills if they want to succeed. This course will help employees learn how to get their messages across in the right way. Material covered includes key components to effective communication, the different types of communication, considerations for electronic communication, barriers to listening, how to use active listening, key components when responding, and conflict resolution.
Slide Count:77
Respect can be defined as consideration for self and of others. Respect in the workplace is important as it leads to better employee morale, increased productivity, and a better working environment. This course will review practices of respect, respect in the workplace, respectful communication, and disrespect in the workplace.
Slide Count:32
An inclusive work environment, one that is built on the principles of diversity and inclusion, can make or break a company. This course will review what diversity and inclusion is, the barriers and challenges a company may face, what constitutes ‘inclusive language’ and how to use it, perspective and goal setting, and respect in the workplace.
Slide Count:74
Stigma surrounding mental health is very real in our workplaces and communities. This module provides learners with an opportunity to explore where these stigmas come from, how they affect us, and suggests ideas to help reduce the impact and severity of stigmas.
Slide Count:47
This course is designed to educate workers on how to recognize and eliminate barriers to accessibility for customers as well as how to interact and communicate with customers in a respectful and supportive manner. This includes customers who use assistive devices, or have support persons or service animals.
Slide Count:55
Includes: Communication, Respect in the Workplace, Diversity and Inclusion, Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses, Accessible Customer Service
Regardless of the size of the organization - whether it's a large corporation, a small company, or even a homebased business – everyone requires good communication skills if they want to succeed. This course will help employees learn how to get their messages across in the right way. Material covered includes key components to effective communication, the different types of communication, considerations for electronic communication, barriers to listening, how to use active listening, key components when responding, and conflict resolution.
Slide Count:77
Respect can be defined as consideration for self and of others. Respect in the workplace is important as it leads to better employee morale, increased productivity, and a better working environment. This course will review practices of respect, respect in the workplace, respectful communication, and disrespect in the workplace.
Slide Count:32
An inclusive work environment, one that is built on the principles of diversity and inclusion, can make or break a company. This course will review what diversity and inclusion is, the barriers and challenges a company may face, what constitutes ‘inclusive language’ and how to use it, perspective and goal setting, and respect in the workplace.
Slide Count:74
Stigma surrounding mental health is very real in our workplaces and communities. This module provides learners with an opportunity to explore where these stigmas come from, how they affect us, and suggests ideas to help reduce the impact and severity of stigmas.
Slide Count:47
This course is designed to educate workers on how to recognize and eliminate barriers to accessibility for customers as well as how to interact and communicate with customers in a respectful and supportive manner. This includes customers who use assistive devices, or have support persons or service animals.
Slide Count:55
Includes: Communication, Respect in the Workplace, Diversity and Inclusion, Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA), Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses
Regardless of the size of the organization - whether it's a large corporation, a small company, or even a homebased business – everyone requires good communication skills if they want to succeed. This course will help employees learn how to get their messages across in the right way. Material covered includes key components to effective communication, the different types of communication, considerations for electronic communication, barriers to listening, how to use active listening, key components when responding, and conflict resolution.
Slide Count:77
Respect can be defined as consideration for self and of others. Respect in the workplace is important as it leads to better employee morale, increased productivity, and a better working environment. This course will review practices of respect, respect in the workplace, respectful communication, and disrespect in the workplace.
Slide Count:32
An inclusive work environment, one that is built on the principles of diversity and inclusion, can make or break a company. This course will review what diversity and inclusion is, the barriers and challenges a company may face, what constitutes ‘inclusive language’ and how to use it, perspective and goal setting, and respect in the workplace.
Slide Count:74
Manitoba Only. Not every disability is visible. Nearly one in four Manitobans have a disability. These can include vision impairment, deafness, hard of hearing, intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, or even mental health disabilities. The AMA was developed by the Government of Manitoba to ensure that the province is accessible to all people and to remove any barriers that it can. It requires that every employer and employee in Manitoba take training on the AMA and the Manitoba Human Rights Code. By taking this course, participants will learn how Manitoba’s accessibility law and the Manitoba Human Rights Code help to remove barriers to access and will become familiar with the requirements to guide accessible customer service and your organization's accessible employment practices.
Slide Count:71
Stigma surrounding mental health is very real in our workplaces and communities. This module provides learners with an opportunity to explore where these stigmas come from, how they affect us, and suggests ideas to help reduce the impact and severity of stigmas.
Slide Count:47
Includes: Communication, Respect in the Workplace, Diversity and Inclusion, Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses, Accessible Customer Service
Regardless of the size of the organization - whether it's a large corporation, a small company, or even a homebased business – everyone requires good communication skills if they want to succeed. This course will help employees learn how to get their messages across in the right way. Material covered includes key components to effective communication, the different types of communication, considerations for electronic communication, barriers to listening, how to use active listening, key components when responding, and conflict resolution.
Slide Count:77
Respect can be defined as consideration for self and of others. Respect in the workplace is important as it leads to better employee morale, increased productivity, and a better working environment. This course will review practices of respect, respect in the workplace, respectful communication, and disrespect in the workplace.
Slide Count:32
An inclusive work environment, one that is built on the principles of diversity and inclusion, can make or break a company. This course will review what diversity and inclusion is, the barriers and challenges a company may face, what constitutes ‘inclusive language’ and how to use it, perspective and goal setting, and respect in the workplace.
Slide Count:74
Stigma surrounding mental health is very real in our workplaces and communities. This module provides learners with an opportunity to explore where these stigmas come from, how they affect us, and suggests ideas to help reduce the impact and severity of stigmas.
Slide Count:47
This course is designed to educate workers on how to recognize and eliminate barriers to accessibility for customers as well as how to interact and communicate with customers in a respectful and supportive manner. This includes customers who use assistive devices, or have support persons or service animals.
Slide Count:55
Includes: Communication, Respect in the Workplace, Diversity and Inclusion, Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses, Accessible Customer Service
Regardless of the size of the organization - whether it's a large corporation, a small company, or even a homebased business – everyone requires good communication skills if they want to succeed. This course will help employees learn how to get their messages across in the right way. Material covered includes key components to effective communication, the different types of communication, considerations for electronic communication, barriers to listening, how to use active listening, key components when responding, and conflict resolution.
Slide Count:77
Respect can be defined as consideration for self and of others. Respect in the workplace is important as it leads to better employee morale, increased productivity, and a better working environment. This course will review practices of respect, respect in the workplace, respectful communication, and disrespect in the workplace.
Slide Count:32
An inclusive work environment, one that is built on the principles of diversity and inclusion, can make or break a company. This course will review what diversity and inclusion is, the barriers and challenges a company may face, what constitutes ‘inclusive language’ and how to use it, perspective and goal setting, and respect in the workplace.
Slide Count:74
Stigma surrounding mental health is very real in our workplaces and communities. This module provides learners with an opportunity to explore where these stigmas come from, how they affect us, and suggests ideas to help reduce the impact and severity of stigmas.
Slide Count:47
This course is designed to educate workers on how to recognize and eliminate barriers to accessibility for customers as well as how to interact and communicate with customers in a respectful and supportive manner. This includes customers who use assistive devices, or have support persons or service animals.
Slide Count:55
Includes: Communication, Respect in the Workplace, Diversity and Inclusion, Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses, Accessible Customer Service
Regardless of the size of the organization - whether it's a large corporation, a small company, or even a homebased business – everyone requires good communication skills if they want to succeed. This course will help employees learn how to get their messages across in the right way. Material covered includes key components to effective communication, the different types of communication, considerations for electronic communication, barriers to listening, how to use active listening, key components when responding, and conflict resolution.
Slide Count:77
Respect can be defined as consideration for self and of others. Respect in the workplace is important as it leads to better employee morale, increased productivity, and a better working environment. This course will review practices of respect, respect in the workplace, respectful communication, and disrespect in the workplace.
Slide Count:32
An inclusive work environment, one that is built on the principles of diversity and inclusion, can make or break a company. This course will review what diversity and inclusion is, the barriers and challenges a company may face, what constitutes ‘inclusive language’ and how to use it, perspective and goal setting, and respect in the workplace.
Slide Count:74
Stigma surrounding mental health is very real in our workplaces and communities. This module provides learners with an opportunity to explore where these stigmas come from, how they affect us, and suggests ideas to help reduce the impact and severity of stigmas.
Slide Count:47
This course is designed to educate workers on how to recognize and eliminate barriers to accessibility for customers as well as how to interact and communicate with customers in a respectful and supportive manner. This includes customers who use assistive devices, or have support persons or service animals.
Slide Count:55
Includes: Communication, Respect in the Workplace, Diversity and Inclusion, Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses, Accessible Customer Service
Regardless of the size of the organization - whether it's a large corporation, a small company, or even a homebased business – everyone requires good communication skills if they want to succeed. This course will help employees learn how to get their messages across in the right way. Material covered includes key components to effective communication, the different types of communication, considerations for electronic communication, barriers to listening, how to use active listening, key components when responding, and conflict resolution.
Slide Count:77
Respect can be defined as consideration for self and of others. Respect in the workplace is important as it leads to better employee morale, increased productivity, and a better working environment. This course will review practices of respect, respect in the workplace, respectful communication, and disrespect in the workplace.
Slide Count:32
An inclusive work environment, one that is built on the principles of diversity and inclusion, can make or break a company. This course will review what diversity and inclusion is, the barriers and challenges a company may face, what constitutes ‘inclusive language’ and how to use it, perspective and goal setting, and respect in the workplace.
Slide Count:74
Stigma surrounding mental health is very real in our workplaces and communities. This module provides learners with an opportunity to explore where these stigmas come from, how they affect us, and suggests ideas to help reduce the impact and severity of stigmas.
Slide Count:47
This course is designed to educate workers on how to recognize and eliminate barriers to accessibility for customers as well as how to interact and communicate with customers in a respectful and supportive manner. This includes customers who use assistive devices, or have support persons or service animals.
Slide Count:55
Includes: Communication, Respect in the Workplace, Diversity and Inclusion, Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses, Accessible Customer Service
Regardless of the size of the organization - whether it's a large corporation, a small company, or even a homebased business – everyone requires good communication skills if they want to succeed. This course will help employees learn how to get their messages across in the right way. Material covered includes key components to effective communication, the different types of communication, considerations for electronic communication, barriers to listening, how to use active listening, key components when responding, and conflict resolution.
Slide Count:77
Respect can be defined as consideration for self and of others. Respect in the workplace is important as it leads to better employee morale, increased productivity, and a better working environment. This course will review practices of respect, respect in the workplace, respectful communication, and disrespect in the workplace.
Slide Count:32
An inclusive work environment, one that is built on the principles of diversity and inclusion, can make or break a company. This course will review what diversity and inclusion is, the barriers and challenges a company may face, what constitutes ‘inclusive language’ and how to use it, perspective and goal setting, and respect in the workplace.
Slide Count:74
Stigma surrounding mental health is very real in our workplaces and communities. This module provides learners with an opportunity to explore where these stigmas come from, how they affect us, and suggests ideas to help reduce the impact and severity of stigmas.
Slide Count:47
This course is designed to educate workers on how to recognize and eliminate barriers to accessibility for customers as well as how to interact and communicate with customers in a respectful and supportive manner. This includes customers who use assistive devices, or have support persons or service animals.
Slide Count:55
Includes: Communication, Respect in the Workplace, AODA Full, Diversity and Inclusion, Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses
Regardless of the size of the organization - whether it's a large corporation, a small company, or even a homebased business – everyone requires good communication skills if they want to succeed. This course will help employees learn how to get their messages across in the right way. Material covered includes key components to effective communication, the different types of communication, considerations for electronic communication, barriers to listening, how to use active listening, key components when responding, and conflict resolution.
Slide Count:77
Respect can be defined as consideration for self and of others. Respect in the workplace is important as it leads to better employee morale, increased productivity, and a better working environment. This course will review practices of respect, respect in the workplace, respectful communication, and disrespect in the workplace.
Slide Count:32
This course is only applicable in Ontario. The goal of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) is to make Ontario accessible by 2025, by creating and enforcing accessibility standards. These standards are rules that businesses and organizations in Ontario must follow to identify, remove and prevent barriers so that people with disabilities will have more opportunities to participate in everyday life. This course covers the purposes and principles of the AODA, IASR and Ontario Human Rights Code. In addition, participants will learn to recognize the barriers to accessibility and how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities, including those who use assistive devices or require the assistance of a service animal or support person.
Slide Count:109
An inclusive work environment, one that is built on the principles of diversity and inclusion, can make or break a company. This course will review what diversity and inclusion is, the barriers and challenges a company may face, what constitutes ‘inclusive language’ and how to use it, perspective and goal setting, and respect in the workplace.
Slide Count:74
Stigma surrounding mental health is very real in our workplaces and communities. This module provides learners with an opportunity to explore where these stigmas come from, how they affect us, and suggests ideas to help reduce the impact and severity of stigmas.
Slide Count:47
Includes: Communication, Respect in the Workplace, Diversity and Inclusion, Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses, Accessible Customer Service
Regardless of the size of the organization - whether it's a large corporation, a small company, or even a homebased business – everyone requires good communication skills if they want to succeed. This course will help employees learn how to get their messages across in the right way. Material covered includes key components to effective communication, the different types of communication, considerations for electronic communication, barriers to listening, how to use active listening, key components when responding, and conflict resolution.
Slide Count:77
Respect can be defined as consideration for self and of others. Respect in the workplace is important as it leads to better employee morale, increased productivity, and a better working environment. This course will review practices of respect, respect in the workplace, respectful communication, and disrespect in the workplace.
Slide Count:32
An inclusive work environment, one that is built on the principles of diversity and inclusion, can make or break a company. This course will review what diversity and inclusion is, the barriers and challenges a company may face, what constitutes ‘inclusive language’ and how to use it, perspective and goal setting, and respect in the workplace.
Slide Count:74
Stigma surrounding mental health is very real in our workplaces and communities. This module provides learners with an opportunity to explore where these stigmas come from, how they affect us, and suggests ideas to help reduce the impact and severity of stigmas.
Slide Count:47
This course is designed to educate workers on how to recognize and eliminate barriers to accessibility for customers as well as how to interact and communicate with customers in a respectful and supportive manner. This includes customers who use assistive devices, or have support persons or service animals.
Slide Count:55
Includes: Communication, Respect in the Workplace, Diversity and Inclusion, Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses, Accessible Customer Service
Regardless of the size of the organization - whether it's a large corporation, a small company, or even a homebased business – everyone requires good communication skills if they want to succeed. This course will help employees learn how to get their messages across in the right way. Material covered includes key components to effective communication, the different types of communication, considerations for electronic communication, barriers to listening, how to use active listening, key components when responding, and conflict resolution.
Slide Count:77
Respect can be defined as consideration for self and of others. Respect in the workplace is important as it leads to better employee morale, increased productivity, and a better working environment. This course will review practices of respect, respect in the workplace, respectful communication, and disrespect in the workplace.
Slide Count:32
An inclusive work environment, one that is built on the principles of diversity and inclusion, can make or break a company. This course will review what diversity and inclusion is, the barriers and challenges a company may face, what constitutes ‘inclusive language’ and how to use it, perspective and goal setting, and respect in the workplace.
Slide Count:74
Stigma surrounding mental health is very real in our workplaces and communities. This module provides learners with an opportunity to explore where these stigmas come from, how they affect us, and suggests ideas to help reduce the impact and severity of stigmas.
Slide Count:47
This course is designed to educate workers on how to recognize and eliminate barriers to accessibility for customers as well as how to interact and communicate with customers in a respectful and supportive manner. This includes customers who use assistive devices, or have support persons or service animals.
Slide Count:55
Includes: Communication, Respect in the Workplace, Diversity and Inclusion, Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses, Accessible Customer Service
Regardless of the size of the organization - whether it's a large corporation, a small company, or even a homebased business – everyone requires good communication skills if they want to succeed. This course will help employees learn how to get their messages across in the right way. Material covered includes key components to effective communication, the different types of communication, considerations for electronic communication, barriers to listening, how to use active listening, key components when responding, and conflict resolution.
Slide Count:77
Respect can be defined as consideration for self and of others. Respect in the workplace is important as it leads to better employee morale, increased productivity, and a better working environment. This course will review practices of respect, respect in the workplace, respectful communication, and disrespect in the workplace.
Slide Count:32
An inclusive work environment, one that is built on the principles of diversity and inclusion, can make or break a company. This course will review what diversity and inclusion is, the barriers and challenges a company may face, what constitutes ‘inclusive language’ and how to use it, perspective and goal setting, and respect in the workplace.
Slide Count:74
Stigma surrounding mental health is very real in our workplaces and communities. This module provides learners with an opportunity to explore where these stigmas come from, how they affect us, and suggests ideas to help reduce the impact and severity of stigmas.
Slide Count:47
This course is designed to educate workers on how to recognize and eliminate barriers to accessibility for customers as well as how to interact and communicate with customers in a respectful and supportive manner. This includes customers who use assistive devices, or have support persons or service animals.
Slide Count:55
Includes: Communication, Respect in the Workplace, Diversity and Inclusion, Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses, Accessible Customer Service
Regardless of the size of the organization - whether it's a large corporation, a small company, or even a homebased business – everyone requires good communication skills if they want to succeed. This course will help employees learn how to get their messages across in the right way. Material covered includes key components to effective communication, the different types of communication, considerations for electronic communication, barriers to listening, how to use active listening, key components when responding, and conflict resolution.
Slide Count:77
Respect can be defined as consideration for self and of others. Respect in the workplace is important as it leads to better employee morale, increased productivity, and a better working environment. This course will review practices of respect, respect in the workplace, respectful communication, and disrespect in the workplace.
Slide Count:32
An inclusive work environment, one that is built on the principles of diversity and inclusion, can make or break a company. This course will review what diversity and inclusion is, the barriers and challenges a company may face, what constitutes ‘inclusive language’ and how to use it, perspective and goal setting, and respect in the workplace.
Slide Count:74
Stigma surrounding mental health is very real in our workplaces and communities. This module provides learners with an opportunity to explore where these stigmas come from, how they affect us, and suggests ideas to help reduce the impact and severity of stigmas.
Slide Count:47
This course is designed to educate workers on how to recognize and eliminate barriers to accessibility for customers as well as how to interact and communicate with customers in a respectful and supportive manner. This includes customers who use assistive devices, or have support persons or service animals.
Slide Count:55